Well it's almost that time again-WNDC goes out for Round 2 tomorrow.

It's ironic that the two biggest clubs on the island both meet on Wednesday nights. Along with the WNDC, there is also the WNRC (Wednesday Night Running Club). The running club is a good way to train for the Cayman Islands marathon, half marathon, 10k, and 5k races that will take place on December 5th. I'm still undecided as to whether or not I'm planning on signing up for it, but it's a definite possibility if school doesn't take up too much time.

Back to WNDC...it was quite interesting. The club met at 7:30, but in island time that means they don't actually leave until 10-ish or so (I'm starting to realize that island time is a real thing). The bar that the club met at was called "The Attic." As soon as we walked in, we noticed about 4-5 beerpong tables and a decent amount of young, medical students playing. They were playing with Heineken, which is pretty hardcore.

Three buses arrived around 10, right after they passed out some jello shots. We quickly loaded the bus and it took no time for me to meet our driver, Dennis. Imagine a tall, dark, very muscular, bodyguard-like Jamaican who had a bit of road rage. You know what they say about Jamaicans and their driving. He definitely made the ride seem like a roller coaster (great, just what we need when we're drinking!)!

Our first stop was at the Cracked Conch right on the ocean. Our WNDT fee of $10 included the bus ride and a free shot at each of the three places we stopped. I think we probably had about 3 free shots at our first stop. It's hard to resist the islanders as they are walking around with a tray full of shots and keep telling you, "no prob mon, you have a ride."

Our next stop was Calico Jacks, again on the ocean. CJ's is known for their parties on the beach when it's full moon. They are supposed to be the biggest beach dance party on the island. I'll report back once we have our first full moon.

Our last stop was at "The Jungle." I think our shot consisted of some Jungle Juice that tasted somewhat similar to Jager. Now if you've ever tried jager before, then you know it's something that tastes like someone squeezed straight out of a fruit that one might find in the jungle (yes, it's that terrible). The place was decorated with vines draping from the building and stuffed jungle animals hiding among the trees.

WNDC was a good way to meet new people, enjoy some drinks for a fairly inexpensive price, and have transportation from bar to bar. It's definitely something that will be short-lived after school starts, but for now, it is a good Wed. night tradition!

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